Monday, October 29, 2012

Moisture Sensor Tested in Soil: Success!

Before today, we had only tested the leads in air (touching and not touching). Today we tested the moisture sensor in soil with varying degrees of water added. The test confirmed that the system is functional. The values that we obtain from the arduino (via serial) are as follows:

In air, not touching: ~0
In air, touching: ~1023
In soil,
--very wet: ~900
--optimal: 700-800
--needs water: ~650
--definitely needs water: <625

Leads (moisture sensor) in soil.

Python code to do something with the values read from serial is given below:
#import libraries
import serial
import math

#open serial communication
arduino = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyACM0', 9600)

if serial.Serial.inWaiting >= 5:
#control corresponds to 100% light transmittance (in absence of any #petri dish); each respective sample reading corresponds to the light #transmittance through that petri dish.
    val1       = float(arduino.readline())
    val2       = float(arduino.readline())
    val3       = float(arduino.readline())
    val4       = float(arduino.readline())
    val5       = float(arduino.readline())

#calculate soil moisture reading
moistureValue = float((val1 + val2 + val3 + val4 + val5)/5)

if moistureValue < 625:
    print("omg so thirsty so thirsty need water")
elif moistureValue > 625 and moistureValue < 700:
    print("I'm starting to get thirsty")
elif moistureValue > 700 and moistureValue < 800:
    print("I feel so hydrated!")
elif moistureValue > 800:
    print("Gross, I feel bloated")

#print out absorbance values in neat table     
print "moisture value: " + str(moistureValue)

Parenting Style mode selector complete and integrated with moisture sensor

The mode selector is now complete! The button switches through the three LEDs (modes). After five seconds, the LED fades away to a dim setting so that we can conserve power in the long run.

Cleaned-up LED and pushbutton system.

The last step will be to clean up the code (for modularity).

Arduino code for the LED system integrated with the moisture sensor reading is given below:

//initialize constants
const int buttonPin = 2;
const int LED1 = 11;
const int LED2 = 10;
const int LED3 = 9;
const int moistureSensor = 0;
const unsigned long deBounceDelay = 200;
const unsigned long moistureDelay = 5000;

//initialize variables
int buttonState = 0;
int lastButtonState = 0;
int mode=1;
int fadeValue;
int moistureReading = 0;
unsigned long deBounceTimer = 0;
unsigned long moistureTimer = 0;
unsigned long startTime;

//set-up interrupt

void setup() {
  //initialize each of the three LED pins as outputs
  pinMode(LED1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(LED2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(LED3, OUTPUT);
  //initialize the pushButton pin as an input
  pinMode (buttonPin, INPUT);
  //initialize serial communication; mid-range data rate 9600 bps
  //attachInterrupt(0, off, RISING);

void loop() {
  switch (mode) {
    case 1:
      digitalWrite(LED1, HIGH);
      startTime = millis();
      fadeValue = 255;
      while(mode==1) {
        if((fadeValue>55)&&((millis()-startTime) > 5000)) {
          for(fadeValue = 255; fadeValue >=50; fadeValue -=5) {
           analogWrite(LED1, fadeValue);
    case 2:
      digitalWrite(LED2, HIGH);
      startTime = millis();
      fadeValue = 255;
      while(mode==2) {
        if((fadeValue>55)&&((millis()-startTime) > 5000)) {
          for(fadeValue = 255; fadeValue >=50; fadeValue -=5) {
           analogWrite(LED2, fadeValue);
    case 3:
      digitalWrite(LED3, HIGH);
      startTime = millis();
      fadeValue = 255;
      while(mode==3) {
        if((fadeValue>55)&&((millis()-startTime) > 5000)) {
          for(fadeValue = 255; fadeValue >=50; fadeValue -=5) {
           analogWrite(LED3, fadeValue);

void buttonCheck() {
  buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);
  if (!buttonState&&lastButtonState&&(millis()-deBounceTimer)>deBounceDelay){
    lastButtonState = buttonState;
    deBounceTimer = millis();
  if (buttonState&&!lastButtonState&&(millis()-deBounceTimer)>deBounceDelay){
    lastButtonState = buttonState;
    deBounceTimer = millis();

void readMoisture() {
  if ((millis()-moistureTimer)>moistureDelay){
    moistureReading = analogRead(moistureSensor);
    Serial.print("moisture sensor reads ");
    Serial.println( moistureReading); 

void off() {
  digitalWrite(LED1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(LED2, LOW);
  digitalWrite(LED3, LOW);

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Parenting Style--Mode Switching working

We've modified the blinky lights lab in order to blink through three LEDs (one for each parenting style mode). What do we mean by parenting style? As previously posted, we want the user to be able to choose how often they are notified by the system. He or she will be able to choose one of the following modes:
* Hands-off
* Active
* Helicopter

Working blinky light system (switches through three lights for each button press).

The next step is to expand the functionality so that the LEDs dim over time (to save power in the long run). We are also in the process of creating a mini prototype to show how the system will look in the plastic body of our system.

Be Prepared.

Gearing up for our first Design Review - 10/25/12
So much is getting done! Also, be looking for our shiny gold peristaltic pump that will be finished soon. We've just updated to Glammy Garduino.

Display screen!

Last night Melisa got the screen working! We may buy a better one at some point but for right now we have a working display! On today's agenda is building a peristaltic pump and working on software.

Display screen!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Update: Moisture Sensor

Caught sensing the moisture - 10/22/12
Testing the moisture sensor: it works. When not touching in air: 0 Ohms. When touching in air: 1023 Ohms. When in watered soil: ~480 Ohms.
Now to work on making it prettier, smaller, and maybe modular.

(Update) Interaction Design

Isometric view of whole system (10/22/2012)

Top view. Logo visible from top. Diffused glow visible.

Front view. LCD display visible.

Left view. On/Off button visible.

Right view. Three mode options (barely) visible.

The first CAD modeling was done to be discussed in class today (snapshots below). For now, the product has the following components:
  • Top Plastic cover, on which the plant pot will sit (LOGO visible on top)
  • Notification system, with diffused LED light that becomes brighter as more user attention is needed. This notification system uses the LCD display screen in order to communicate where the attention is needed. For the scope of our project, the only notification is to refill the water storage unit. We are designing it so that future expansion is easy: we could add sensors to detect the amount of light hitting the plant, the humidity of the room, etc. and have the notification system alert the user for all the situations. 
  • On/Off power button (left side)
  • LCD screen (front side)--to display where attention is needed
  • Level of involvement options (right side)--three options each with a push button selection 
    • Hands-off
    • Present
    • Helicopter

Background Information on Watering

Over the last few weeks, we collected bits on best practices for household plant care. Here's a compilation of the information that we want to keep in mind as we continue to design our system:

General Information on Watering:
  • Under-watering and over-watering can be detrimental to a houseplant; improper watering is the cause of most household plant problems.
  • Best way to determine whether a plant needs to be watered is to check the soil moisture. 
  • Most potted plants must be allowed to reach an appropriate level of dryness between waterings.
  • Amount of water needed per watering depends on the species of houseplant. 
  • Water should be poured slowly over the surface of the soil until is begins to drain out of the bottom of the pot. 
Hydration Measurement Guidelines:
  • Soil should be dry 1/4 inches down
  • Tapped pot should sound hollow
  • Weight can be a good indicator for small household plants
Watering Techniques:
  • Water from the top until moisture drips out of the bottom of the pot.
    • Discard draining water
    • Don't let bottom portion of the pot stand in water
  • Water from the bottom by placing the plant in saucer until the top of the soil is moist.
    • Remove plant and let excess moisture drain out of the bottom.
    • Never keep the plant in standing water continuously.
  • NOTE: Water all plants from top once a month to prevent mineral or salts build-up (white/brown crusty material on soil/rim of pot). 
  • NOTE: Frequent watering with small amounts of water can lead to waterlogging
Warning Signs:
  • Leaf growth is slow
  • Leaves become translucent
  • Leaves/flowers drop prematurely
  • Leaf edges become brown and dried
  • Lower leaves curl and yellow
  • Young and old leaves fall at same time
  • Root rot
  • Standing water in bottom container
  • Moldy flowers
  • Leaves have brown soft rotten patches or fail to grow
Main Sources
Indoor Plant Care
Wikipedia: Houseplant
Guidelines for Watering Indoor Plants

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Moisture Sensor!

It works! - 10/18/12
Just a first pass at a homemade moisture sensor to detect when plants are thirsty. We need galvanized steel nails to prevent rust and to make it more compact. Maybe we'll print a board?

Interaction Design Concept Sketching

Concept sketches for interaction design 10/18/2012

The interaction design concept sketching is well under way. Components include:
  • Water Storage Unit refill notification
  • Plant hydration state notification
  • Power on/off
  • Parenting style mode (hands-off, normal, helicopter)
  • Opening for user to pour water into water storage unit
  • Logo/instruction

Pump Received!

Testing out our first pump. - 10/18/12
We may need to research and find a different one. Perhaps one that doesn't require 120v to power it. We need to be able to control when it turns on/off.

Let's Plan This Out.

Short Term Plan - 10/12/12